Thursday 15 December 2016

December Glossybox product review

I think this is the first time in a while that I've used all of the products in the current Glossybox and have been able to review them within the same month of receiving it. I have a whole load of months' backing up that I need to review and I'm slowly making some head way on this.

I can't tell you how excited I was about receiving December's Glossybox. I also really enjoy it when Glossybox give us something a little bit different. I have accumulated a surplus amount of make up that I don't like/ can't use/ won't use so it was especially rewarding to find that  Glossybox are supporting the domestic abuse charity Give and Make Up. I shamelessly boxed up a whole load of make up that I've been trying to get rid of for some time and sent it all packing to women in much greater need than I. It's nice to be able to give something back.

I was expecting this months' Glossybox to be a little bit more Christmassy themed and although the box is adorned with a gold wreath, I didn't feel like the products reflected this prominent event. I had expected sparkles and glitter, which I can't say that I was too disappointed however that this wasn't the case. Surprisingly, the most expensive beauty product in the box was the somewhat conspicuously designed (and named) MDM Flow Semi-Matte Lipstick in Bossy retailing at £18. Now first things first, I looked at the packaging and thought wow it's a matt gold lipstick which is a really sophisticated look for a lipstick. Until I scrutinized it a bit more and realised that the shape and size of it reminded me instead of a bullet. Named MDM it's one letter short of being the chemical compound for ecstasy. Maybe it's just me but I personally wouldn't have designed or named something that could produce such powerful connotations. That being said I was excited to receive it. A couple of months' back Glossyboxers had the chance to choose their shade between a nude colour or a dark mauve colour. I of course possess both but figured I could never have too many nude lippies so I opted for Bossy. Sadly, MDM Flow Semi-Matte Lipstick in Bossy smells like cheap lipstick and also tasted cheap despite the hefty price tag. The colour is also misleading and is far from the nude colour that I had anticipated. When you apply MDM Flow Semi-Matte Lipstick in Bossy it appears to be more of a light mauve colour than a nude colour. I'd paired my MDM Flow Semi-Matte Lipstick in Bossy with my Mua make up academy intense colour lip liner in caramel which did not compliment the light mauve colour of MDM Flow Semi-Matte Lipstick in Bossy at all.

In keeping with the nude theme I tried the Revlon Nail Enamel in Gray Suede (which at no point in the name does it suggest that it would be a nude colour). The large bottle makes the colour appear nude or neutral but once applied it seems to dry a pinkish nude colour. I am normally a huge advocate for Revlon products lippy and nail varnishes included but the Revlon Nail Enamel in Gray Suede was just disappointing to say the least. It took three applications to create the thick pinkish nude colour as the nail varnish is very light and watery. Unlike other Revlon nail varnishes that I've tried out the Revlon Nail Enamel in Gray Suede does not dry instantly which I later found out when I smudged two of my nails. The accidental smudging of course will be a result of the many coats that I had to apply which made the varnish especially thick but Revlon Nail Enamel in Gray Suede still seemed to take a while to dry quickly even with one application.

So far a disappointing little box which is only reassuring me more that I 've made the right decision in cancelling my subscription next year. Next I applied the Gosh Copenhagen Mono Eyeshadow in Dark Green which is green and sparkly so is in keeping with the Christmas theme, at last! I'm also slightly sceptical of green eyeshadow having predominantly blue eyes (they're multi-coloured but the blue is the most obvious colour that you acknowledge first). I always remember that silly childhood rhyme: blue and green should never be seen except with a colour in between which used to put me off wearing green (this of course is not the case now however). I was quite excited to try the Gosh Copenhagen Mono Eyeshadow in Dark Green but unfortunately it just does not stay put. There was obvious colour transference onto my eyebrows from wearing Gosh Copenhagen Mono Eyeshadow in Dark Green for even a short period of time. Interestingly, the emerald green colour complimented my blueish eyes but as it wipes away so easily it won't become a feature in my make-up bag.

This leaves me with two products that I've never used before and was slightly unsure of as a result. Left to try in the box was Essence Light up Your Face Luminizer Palette retailing at £3 and Lipcote's new innovative product Browcote retailing at £6.99. I've never in my life used a highlighter or contour kit so I was completely unsure as to how to use the Essence Light up Your Face Luminizer Palette. I needn't have worried however as there's a handy step by step diagram on the reverse of the packaging which correctly shows you where and how to highlight. The Essence Light up Your Face Luminizer Palette is split into three colours which you sweep across the cheekbones, the T-zone and chin area which are designed to highlight the skin and make it appear brighter. Shades 1 and 3 complimented my skin tone really well and noticeable brightened up my eyes. Shade 2 however was far too pale for my already paling skin tone and left a huge amount of glitter across my cheeks. I used shade 2 to sweep across the cheekbones in place of my usual bronzer which did nothing for my appearance. In my opinion the Essence Light up Your Face Luminizer Palette is marketed to transform you throughout the party season so it was a great accompaniment in the December box. It is of course too light for my skin tone so I may use it if I run out of bronzer.

Lastly, this brings me onto Lipcote's Browcote Eyebrow Waterproof Sealer which is the best thing ever! Browcote is essentially a clear mascara that you sweep across your eyebrows once you've groomed and styled them The Browcote dries instantly and hard but my eyebrows have never looked more on point until now. Browcote eliminates any colour transference or fading and your eyebrows look on fleek all day (a term I hate but I feel that it actually does describe my eyebrows perfectly). I love Lipcote and I was hoping for big things with Browcote and they have definitely not disappointed me with their new branch off product. At £6.99 I will definitely replace it when it eventually runs out.

I'd love to know what you think of December's Glossybox. What are your favourites in this box? Let me know in the comments below xx

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